Bei den meisten Codecs / Paketen können Sie eine Vorschau vieler anderer Dateien anzeigen, die möglicherweise ebenfalls von Nutzen sind. Zweitens erwerben Sie einen Codec, mit dem Sie eine Vorschau von. Get the properties and see who makes it, then head to their website.Programmers by and large are lazy (myself included - Dopus Team excluded). Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Erstens, ein kostenloses Tool wie verwenden ThumbView oder psicon.dll. That sort of thing.You could also start poking through the program's install folder and look for DLLs that might be being used like epubview.dll or ebook.dll. Look for things like 'Powered by' or 'Uses xxx Technology'.

You're more likely to find a 3rd party ePub viewer that can be used within Opus than for Opus itself to get such functionality built-in, unless there is some kind of library we can use to add support to Opus.We provide a framework that allows almost any type of pluggable viewer to be used within Opus, whether it be a preview handler (designed for Outlook 2007/2010 and Vista/Win7 Explorer), an ActiveX control (designed for Internet Explorer or similar), or custom-written for Opus.If the format is popular then surely people have written viewers for it? Has anyone looked? Your best bet is to find a free viewer and look at the About or Helo section to find out where they get their viewer technology from.